This paper discusses how educators could use the cognitive constructivist theory of multimedia (CCTM)\nto design interactive digital learning materials using Camtasia and Audacity. Camtasia allows educators to\ncreate videos that motivate students, inform parents and enhance learning. It allows educators to record\nlive presentations or lectures and provide students with a file to review. Audacity is a free cross-platform\naudio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. CCTM advocates\nfor the design of instruction using pictures, videos, audios and words that tap into the prior experiences\nof the learner, promote active learning, collaboration, personal autonomy, personal growth and\nalternative assessment that is aligned with multiple intelligences of learners as espoused by Gardener\n(1993) which are Linguistics, Logico-mathematics, Spatial, Musical, Bodily-kinesthetic, Interpersonal,\nIntrapersonal and Naturalist. Camtasia and Audacity promote use of CCTM because of their capabilities\nto construct knowledge through words, pictures, animations, videos and audio. Case studies show that use\nof teacher-made files could significantly impact students� learning. Use of teacher-made interactive digital\nlearning materials could revolutionize educational presentations and enhance e-learning delivery. CCMT\nproduced by dynamic presentations creates a balance between the learners� prior verbal and visual experiences,\nsensory repository, multiple intelligences and learning styles to construct new knowledge.